Atlanta, GA 2019

Mike Ledesma - Lead vocalist.
Mike is a singer of many talents. He not only sings Lou Gramms vocals with the same intensity as the legendary Mr. Gramm, but in the right keys. No tuning down. No shying away from all the high notes and screams. It's all there. Mike performs at a high level and is known for creating a frenzied reaction from the crowds. "I've learned a lot over the years.," he quips. "You have to sing to each member in the audience and draw them in. That creates a memorable experience for them. And for you as well." Mike is also an accomplished jazz guitarist. His first love. "I'm a rocker, but I also have been a jazz lover since I was a teen. And I'm a Beatles maniac!"

Tommy Higgins - guitar
Tommy moved to Los Angeles soon after high school with a band in the late 70's. By 1980 he joined Warner Brothers recording artist Bobby Stewart back in NYC. Next he formed popular NYC pop-rock band "The Swing" playing the top NYC venues as well as the college circuit. By 1990 he formed power pop rock band "Broccoli Head" with former Geffen recording artist and singer Neal Hooper, performing at the major clubs in NYC and Long Island. By 1994 Tommy put music aside to focus on raising his family and to further his work career. Twenty years later Tommy is continuing his passion: playing great music in a rock band.

Jeff Parrett - Bassist
Jeff is a veteran on the Long Island music scene and shares a rich diversity of musical styles. His bass playing and vocal talents are second to none on the NYC hot tribute scene presently enjoying an exponential growth these past few years. Jeff once played bass with Winger when Kip Winger asked if there were any bass players in the audience. Jeff got up and performed a song with Kip and the guys and killed it. He is currently bassist with tribute act Foreign/Journey along with other musical acts on the thriving Long Island music scene.

Tom Daniels - Keyboardist
Tom is a busy musician from Long Island, NY, a hotbed of musical talent. He is a member of many local tribute acts such as Back in Time - The Huey Lewis Tribute and ForeigneJourney the obvious tribute mix. Toms lush keyboard sounds, vocal abilites, and winning personality have made him a very sought out musician on the Long Island music scene.